Monday, August 10, 2015

"I have fought a good fight"

hmmmm what an interesting week! haha so interesting! The wall has come, analogies. I talk in them. But yes the wall has arrived and its kinda like ripping a bandaid off my heart! haha but the sting isn't as bad because I get to visit Martinique, a place with a huge piece of my heart, and then Barbados (I hear Rihana is there right now, maybe I"ll convert her!) and then HOME HOME!! I love my family. such an interesting string of emotions.

But the analgoy for this week is as follows. A mission is just pure giving. Every person I talk to and smile at and teach and uplift just takes a little slice of my soul and puts it in them. Maybe its just the spirit!! haha but seriously people just take little pieces of my soul as i love and serve them. For example the vistor family. oh la la they have a HUGE piece of my soul and will forever! Jaline, the mom who I have a hard time communicating with because of the french creole language barrier, we have became like bffs this week and she asked 'are you coming back for the wedding!' I told her I'd try and make it for the sealing :) oh ya. they are the best. SO MUCH HAPPINESS to end my mission! literally! So much happiness and famlies and love and laughter! Leno had us over for dinner one night and lunch sunday. He announced he's gonna visit the states once. These people are all my best friends, and i will see them again, i am sure of it!

So monday night was the fhe with Elena and Soeur Magny and they became even better stronger eternal best friends. that was a treat. such a treat. I want to tell you all about elena please ask me all about her when i come home, that is my number one request. 

oh ya! and Janaine! its the girl that weve been teaching for about a month now, but she finally made it to church! a huge miracle is that a member who lives in her neighborhood used to take care of her son and she was so proud of us and so happy that we were working with her!  she was like 'good work!!' I think thats the first time i felt really proud and happy and in agreeance with her when she said good work. that was so good work :) its all good work! I've finally figured this work out and I go home tomorrow! what the heck! its not fair!!

haha but i feel like Paul. (thanks dad for the reference) its in the bible. 2tim 4:7-8 imagine me shouting this while i run through maybe like a banner or something at the airport or when i run into the arms of my mother dearest 'I HAVE FOUGHT A GOOG FIGHT!! i have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.' THANK YOU PAUL!! I love these words! thats how i feel right now! so happy and full and ready to take on life!! I think I'd like a pina colada in Hawaii first would that be possible?? :) A mission is the greatest thing in the world and I cant wait to see you all and tell you all about it and rejoice together like the sons of Mosiah!! 

I love my Lord, Jesus Christ!!

Je vous aime
Soeur Tenney

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Its like a machine"

Dear Family and friends,